renegade indigo

Who We Are

Renegade Indigo:

Renegades are a set of dedicated Souls who have taken back their Power. They do not follow the crowd/masses - they operate on semi independent platform. They are generally no nonsense people.

Renegade Indigo:

Indigos are a flock of young Souls (harboring a high vibe on the frequency spectrum) who have come here with some of their Codes already activated with mission to enhance the Light worker/Ascension undertaking.

Renegades are a set of dedicated Souls who have taken back their Power. They do not follow the crowd/masses - they question everything. They don’t do what everyone else does, they think for themselves and act with love. We have the freedom to choose

Whether or not to let truth be our muse.

We are All endowed with this divine gift - Discernment, all what we need to do is to go within listen to the `little voice` and claim back our power. We should not follow what they say nor live in fear. Never again should we be manipulated by the Deep State aka Illuminati.